Friday, October 23, 2009


“Enthusiasm Is More Important Than Intelligence.”

Albert Einstein was not only a scientist, he was also a visionary! I am sure that when he coined those words he did not know that he would have been speaking to me, many centuries later.

I love my job! I love the sexiness of international business travel that comes with it. The freedom and opportunities it brings. I take pride and joy knowing that I am young, intelligent, smart and sexy! When I travel abroad for meetings, or workshops it does something for me. It reminds me, why I chose to become an entrepreneur.

A survey was done sometime ago on the average age for entrepreneurs starting their own businesses. According to the survey, the average age was mid fifties (50’s). This is the age where most persons are either, laid-off, made redundant or realized that they can do much more for themselves before retirement. When I heard this, I thought to myself, that just isn’t fun! Why should I wait until I am close to retirement to start enjoying life?

To explain to you the feeling I get when I travel on business is unimaginable. A feeling of euphoria, the feeling of, yes I belong here, amongst the elite, knowing fully well that I have earned my prize and deserve to be here. One writer puts like this; “desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal. A commitment to excellence that will enable you to attain the success you deserve”.

The reason I find that many people do not do well in their respective jobs, is because they hate the dam job! They are not motivated to stay up late thinking about what is it that they are going to do at work tomorrow? Or what sacrifice they will have to make to get the work done? Instead, they spend most of their time thinking about; when is the next pay day? Or, how much leave will they get this year?

One area of business management planning is the S.W.O.T analysis. One simple way to understand it is by answering these three easy questions:
1. Indentify one issue that keeps you awake at nights.
2. Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
3. What can you do to capitalize on your strengths and opportunities and manage your weaknesses and threats regarding that one issue that keeps you awake at nights?
So, how does this relate? Well, if that one issue for you is, worrying about why do you have to go to work tomorrow? Then I can assure you, that you will not achieve much. However, if you are like me, and the one issue that keeps me awake is, when is the next business travel and for how long? Who will I meet along the way? Then you will not want to sleep!
Take it from me entrepreneurial ship is the best way to go!
Denver Brown, Entrepreneur/Author/Business Development Coach

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